Webinar ECM
Descrizione del Corso:
Il corso è gratuito per i Soci AIRO in regola con la quota associativa 2021.
Nowadays most neuro-oncological patients are treated with a combination of systemic therapies and radiotherapy, frequently with radiosurgery (SRS). One of the shortcomings of SRS is an increased risk of radionecrosis (RN) in up to 24% patients. The mean time to RN onset is 6 months and can lead to significant mass effect and neurological dysfunction with up to 50% of patients becoming symptomatic. RN is diagnosed definitively by pathological confirmation on biopsy/resection or by inference from clinical confirmation and radiographical findings over serial imaging. Moreover, misdiagnosing tumour recurrence as RN can lead to significant delay in treatment with detrimental effect to patients. Therefore, the diagnosis of RN versus local failure is crucial as there is an impact upon quality of life. However, most RN diagnoses rely on imaging, with poor sensitivity and specificity rates ranging between 44–97% and 19–75%, respectively. Hence, both accurate diagnosis and treatment can change patient’s quality of life and prognosis.
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- Effettuare la registrazione alla Piattaforma ECM (una tantum e se non già fatta per webinar precedenti). Si precisa che si tratta della registrazione alla Piattaforma ECM e non al sito AIRO, pertanto deve essere fatta ex novo la prima volta che si desidera iscriversi ad un primo webinar.
- Inviare la richiesta di iscrizione all’evento mediante il pulsante ACCEDI presente nella pagina del corso. L’iscrizione verrà approvata dopo verifica da parte della Segreteria della corretta iscrizione ad AIRO per l’anno in corso.